Gearing Up for EIC 12.3
Ah, my batteries have been recharged and I’m ready for EIC v12.3! …just returned from an inspiring trip to South Korea where, for the 4th summer, I’ve been invited to participate in teaching a course titled Comparative Studies in World Cinema at Dongguk University in Seoul.

Dongguk has the largest film program in South Korea (Pip Chodorov teaches there during the regular school year) and I was honored to have the opportunity to teach alongside Tim Bergfelder and Armachan Lee for this summer, international program/course. The challenge of teaching an international mix of students certainly kept me “on my toes,” and reminded me how important it is to continue nurturing the international profile of my Experiments in Cinema festival.
To this end, in addition to all the great, international (and domestic) media that we will be screening (our call for submissions will be open August 1–November 1, 2016 See the website for details and the online application form), this year we will have a special focus on Cuba as we will host several scholars and artists from that country to share their ideas (and moving image art) from Havana and surrounding areas (remember that last year EIC had a special focus on women’s films).
We are very excited about this programming, but we do want to emphasize that in addition to hosting our Cuban friends we will be screening many, many works from our call for submissions. And, as a point of reference, each year we screen about 100 works that are culled from a pool of approximately 700 submissions! I hope to have the opportunity to see your work this year.
Know that our festival does not require that works must have been made in the past 2 years like some festivals and we have no restrictions on duration… As long as it is interesting, unique and challenging (and we haven’t screened it before), we will seriously consider programming your media at EIC v12.3.