EIC Updates!

Hey all you dear supporters of EIC! We are so thrilled that our event was reviewed by Grahame Weinbren in issue #68 of the Millennium Film Journal! http://www.mfj-online.org/ We are hard at work assembling the 14th edition of Experiments in Cinema (April 16–20, 2019) at Guild Cinema here in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Our top secret curatorial committee has reviewed all artists’ submissions and the next step is to cull from that short list a representative selection of works that speak to the state of the (media) art —accepted artists will be contacted by the end of January. In addition to screening approximately 100 works that were submitted through our open call, this year's special guests at Experiments In Cinema v14.2 will include representatives from the Ann Arbor Film Festival, Media City Film Festival, Alchemy Film Festival and Videoex festival. We will also host expanded cinema performances, panel discussions and hands on filmmaking workshops.
Stay tuned all you experimental mouseketeers as details will be coming your way shortly! Your pal in cinematic crime, Bryan Konefsky Founder/director, Experiments in Cinema